Polonia Bros. and Very Scary Team with SRS to Bring you "The Final Possession"

SRS Cinema is excited to partnering once again with the cult icons Mark Polonia, Tim Hatch and Jeff Kirkendall for their last joint motion picture production, "The Final Possession"

Uncovering an omen that holds secrets to the date and means that the Anti-Christ will rise, an Exorcist recruits followers to work as assassins to kill any of Satan's minions capable of becoming his vessel. However, is the omen itself real, or a trap? And what about the Exorcist's own dark past? Is he truly who he says he is? Blood will be spilled as humankind bands together to try and stop the apocalypse before the final possession!

Inspired by movies like "The Omen" and "The Exorcist", as well as all the great movies that these classics inspired such as "The Evil Dead" and "When Evil Lurks", this will be an event you won't want to miss being a part of! 

or more info, or to grab a perk and/or share, swing on by https://igg.me/at/finalpossession/x/489524#/