Eli DeGeer (“China White Serpentine”) Joins the Fun at the VHS Fest/Underground Filmmaking Event

We’re pleased to announce that Eli DeGeer (“China White Serpentine”) has been added as a guest for our VHS Fest/Underground Filmmaker event at SCARE-A-CON 2014! We will promote this in more detail later in August when the final PR goes out.

Hi-8-posterEli joins myself (Ron Bonk), Todd Sheets, Hugh Gallagher, Mark Polonia, Brett Kelly and Chris Seaver for all the fun. There will also be a full schedule of movies showing posted with the PR, which will include “Hi-8”, “House of Forbidden Secrets”, “Gorotica”, “Spyfall”, “Geek War”, “China White Serpentine”, “Clay”, “Gore Whore”, Tony Masiello’s “SOV: True Independents Web Series” and something from Mark’s career (TBD). The PR will also include, hopefully, a schedule of panels, many of them with the filmmakers above talking about making underground movies and getting them out to the public.

pieces005And as a bonus, Eli gave me a heads up that the crew behind the much buzzed about “Pieces of Talent” feature will be at SCARE-A-CON as vendors, so we will be taking advantage of this and getting their movie a show time and adding them in a panel or two. Watch for more detailed news on that as well soon!